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Awareness Campaigns

A man stands with his hands on his lower back, wearing a weighted backpack on his belly to simulate the load of pregnancy

We increase awareness about the issues that expecting and new parents face. 


UP-STAND and artist Rica Takashima have partnered to create UPSTANDxRICA, a public art campaign to promote awareness and dialogue about accessibility issues for pregnant women and parents.
Hold a peek-a-boo event in your neighborhood!

We've partnered with The Postpartum Project to change the conversation about maternal care in the U.S. Check out footage of our collaboration.

Breastfeeding-Friendly Initiatives

It's now legal in all 50 states, but often people don't know the laws, their rights, or get support. We raise awareness about World Breastfeeding Week and access to safe and sanitary lactation accommodations.

We offer 'Breastfeeding Welcome Here' campaigns, distributing our signs to cohorts of businesses to create safe spaces and raise awareness in communities. Watch coverage of the Astoria campaign and see a list of its participating establishmentsContact us to start a family friendly initiative in your neighborhood!

Social Media & Awards

We post timely news related to pregnancy, parenting and accessibility for our thousands of followers, and bring attention to other businesses and organizations doing great things in line with our mission; we’ve shouted out MamavaWillowNoobieKrogerNYC Parks, and even stadiumsairports, and subway lines! Follow us.

We're encouraging high standards of accessibility for children and their caretakers nationwide with UP-STAND's Family-Friendly Awards. See our winning businesses and organizations!