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A woman sits at a table delivering a workshop, pointing to a projected slide that reads, "ADA Guidelines for Children's Facilities"


"The workshop provided interesting, detailed information and concrete strategies. Any business or organization could benefit from this."

-Tracy, Strengthening Accessibility for Expecting Parents and Caregivers of Young Children workshop attendee

Learn best practices for creating a supportive environment for parents/caregivers, thereby increasing employee and customer attraction, satisfaction, and loyalty.

We deliver workshops at professional conferences, and for corporations, Chambers of Commerce, business partnerships, park alliances, neighborhood associations, and citywide agencies.

Attendees who complete the workshop receive a Certificate of Training.

Request a workshop. 


100% of attendees have reported a positive change in their "knowledge about family-friendly accessibility", as well as in their "confidence to positively impact accessibility for families in their role". 

100% of attendees planned to implement at least some changes based upon the workshop. 

Every single attendee has rated the workshops "extremely worthwhile" (5/5 rating), "would recommend this workshop to others" and "would attend a future UP-STAND workshop."






















