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Community Service

A photo of a young boy kissing his mom and holding her face while at a clean up event, both wearing UP-STAND supporter pins

We are working to make the world a better place for women, children and families. As such, UP-STAND organizes, hosts, sponsors, participates in, and promotes local and worldwide initiatives to improve accessibility, health, safety, and wellness for pregnant women and families.


UP-STAND twice co-hosted the MOMpreneurs' Show & Tell event, an event engaging dozens of local mom-owned and run businesses with the community.

UP-STAND co-sponsored the Teal Pumpkin Project's Connection NYC tables to make Halloween accessible to all families in 2016 and 2017!

Our Founder and CEO, Christine, was awarded two 2018 neighborhood grants from the Citizens Committee of New York City to improve accessibility locally on a volunteer basis, The Ramp Project NYC and One Stop Family Pop Up.

She also served as a 2017 and 2018 CIDNY Poll Site Accessibility Monitor in the NYC General Elections. Read about her experience and see results.


Christine was honored to meet with Girl Scouts working toward obtaining Bronze Awards. Bronze Awards are earned by Girl Scouts who identify community problems and create and execute outstanding solutions.

She was also twice part of the MELS activism project in Queens, NY.


We have hosted clean up events alongside hundreds of volunteers from the Partnership for Parks, NYC Parks, Friends of Athens Square ParkQueens Clean Up CrewTaiwan Union Christian Church, OANA, and the American Red Cross Club from Francis Lewis High School. In addition to collecting trash, leaves, weeds and brush, our volunteers planted flowerbeds for the spring, creating a healthier, safer space for our residents and families.

With a focus on maternal health, Astoria First and UP-STAND hosted a quiet and restorative contemplative service for pregnant women and mothers during the 2017 Advent season.

UP-STAND and Bergen County Doulas collected and donated over 2,100 gently used women's and children's items to the Women's Support Center in 2016.


Look for additional upcoming UP-STAND community events via our Facebook and Instagram accounts!