Event Management

We offer supplemental services to make sure that your event is family-friendly. We work with you to plan accommodations, purchase and set up the products, materials and equipment, make sure areas are stocked and clean, and that privacy and proper usage are ensured during the event, and clean up and break down. We also provide you with statistics on usage and feedback from participants.
Accommodations are tailored to your needs and the space, but could include indoor or outdoor:
- Diaper changing stations,
- Lactation areas, milk storage, milk running, and/or milk transport,
- Play areas,
- Priority rest/seating areas,
- Stroller parking sections,
- and more...
See examples of our past events.
"UP-STAND's event promotion and accommodations brought families to our show that I doubt would have otherwise come. It's not that new mothers cannot get out at all, it's that when they do, they are faced with challenges such as public breastfeeding, spaces that are too loud or too quiet, and a lack of clarity about where they fit in. UP-STAND made it clear to families that they were welcome, but also clarified HOW they were welcome. When families feel confident their needs can be met, they're more likely to come! We sold out all three family-friendly shows!" - Kathleen Boyle, Educator and Playwright, The Postpartum Project
"I think it [the UP-STAND accommodations provided] really supported our Mamas, and brought awareness to all, which seems to be nearly equally important." – Jenny Gillett, creator of the ethnodrama TOKOPHOBIA
Request our services for your next event.
When people who used our accommodations were asked "How important is it to you to have family-friendly accommodations offered at events like this?", the average survey response was: Very Important
Our accommodations have received an average of the following rating:
Fully Accessible (Everything Needed) / Excellent (5/5 star rating)
"It's difficult to find a spot to feed or change our babies; this place offers us some help! [It] also makes us, as families, feel welcomed." – Diana Subdiaz, Chelsea street fair attendee/user of our accommodations
"UP-STAND knocked it out of the park. I legit could have left my diaper bag at home. Thanks so much!" - Cast member of The Postpartum Project play
"We don't have family nearby and having community-based...events helps to go out and let my child have experiences. [I] needed...diaper changing and lactation as I live in another neighborhood (about 1 hour [away])." - Prospect Park market attendee/user of our accommodations
"It was great! Normally I have to hide in a bathroom or run to my car to nurse. This was the most comfortable, public nursing experience." - Audience member of The Postpartum Project play